Friday 26 February 2016

Module 2 group chat (Friday 26th Feb)

I found todays skype session really helpful. Adesola explained and introduced us to Module 2 and I had the chance to hear what other people in the course were thinking.
When I read the handbook and the readers I freaked out a little because it’s a lot of information to take in and it seems like it’s a tons to do on a short period of time and I’m sure I’m not alone feeling like that. But after the call I’m defiantly more calm and I know what my next step is.  
We talked about what different inquiries we all were thinking about and most of us wasn’t 100 precent sure of what we were suppose to do next. One of the most important point that I think came across clear in the chat was to not overthink everything and Just Get On With It. I thought that was a really good advice as it’s really easy to get stuck or to get confused by all the information you read. If you know what your inquiry will be about then just stick to it and start researching and you might find another directon that suit you better and that is just a part of the whole process. I sometimes find that I feel unsure on what to do until I hear other people confirm or talk about it even if the instructions are clear. That’s why I found the skype call so helpful as it just confirmed on what I was already thinking about.
If you are unsure of what to pick as your inquiry or you’re just stuck, then my advice is to talk to other people in the module to see what their view and thoughts are. That always help me because I can then continue with confident knowing I’m doing the right thing.
So the things I'm going to think about during the module are:
-       Just Get On With It
-       Don’t Overthink
-       Talk To People (that are doing it or already have done the module)

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