Sunday 15 November 2015

Task 2B

I have now tried different methods to write a journal and I realized that there is a lot of different ways you can do it.
-       Creativity ( A creativ journal could be when you collect ideas and observations and write about different ways to develop and succeed different things in your life.)
-       Planning ( That means that you start to write in the morning and plan the day and maybe also reflect on if everything went as you planned the day before.)
But this doesn’t suit me because I have never enough time in the morning to actually sit down for a while and I don’t like having everything planned before my day has even started. I like to take things as it comes.
-       Gratitude Journal (That means if you are easily thinking of all the bad and negativ things that has happened, you turn it around and just write down the positiv and good things. It can help you look at things differently, you will see things in a different way.) See, this is a good thing for me. I have a habit to see things on a negative side first before I realize that there is loads of positive things too. I use this not just when I write my journal but also througout the day. It makes me less stress and more relaxed and happy.
-       Specific topic ( That is when you choose to pic one thing in your life to write about and concentrate on just that. Like my dancing, I would just write about how it went in rehearsal and not my ”normal” life.) In my journal I have been focusing about my dancing and how my life is so different from when I lived in Sweden. It is really interesting on how my life have changed since I moved to England.
-       Thoughts ( You write down all the questions and thoughts that come up along the day and try to answer and solve all the questions that you had that day.) This is my favourite way to think. It makes me really think on why things happens and why I react like I do. It makes me understand and I get to know myself better that way.
-       List (You make a list througout the day about what comes to your mind.) I am not a big fan of this because if this would work I would have to write down things throughout the day and I prefer having a moment in the evening instead of all the time. I feel like I am too busy to succeed in that way.
Like I read in the handbook you can choose if you want to write about the whole day or choose a specific event. I tried to do both but I felt when I choose one event I got more out of it and I could go deeper into it so I prefer to do that. Sometimes I choose to write about the best part of my day or other days I pick to write about the hardest or the toughest part of the day. I feel like I use the way to write down my thoughts a lot. I tried to do the list journal and wrote a big list on things that was good and also the things that was bad. I liked it but it didnt make me think and process the day as much as I wanted it to do so I am going to stick with the thoughts.  I always ask myself these questions:
-       How did that effect me?
-       What mood was I in?
-       Why?
-       How did I react?
Those questions really helped me learn things about myself that I didnt know and think about before. I have noticed that I like to reflect on how I react to different situations and it is really interesting to read it back and I have recently been really stressed because of a lot of dance rehearsals so my reactions has been different to ”normal”.
I wrote a list on things I want to achieve in my life and some of my goals. After every time I write in the journal I look back to the list and see if I have got closer to achieve the things in my life or if I feel like one of my goals has changed because that can happen.

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